How to sponsor a high school Travel Program

International travel is an eye-opening educational event for all involved. By organizing a travel program with your students, you have the opportunity to travel the world for free.

Canal boat tour in Amsterdam July 2022

The summer of 2022 was my third tour with EF Tours which focused on Health Science. I began traveling in the summer of 2018 with a customized trip to London and Edinburgh. I followed the custom STEM tour with a service trip to the Dominican Republic, where the students instructed village residents on using a personal water filtration system. COVID put travel on hold for two years. The planned trip to a Global Leadership Summit related to Sports and Wellness was post-ponded until this past summer. The summer trip for 2023 Health Science will travel to Switzerland and Italy. Ef Tours has even planned out a trip summer of 2024 returning to London, Edinburgh, and adding Paris.

Your first step to sponsor an international trip for you and your students is to contact EF Tours I attended a presentation by EF Tours during a state conference for Health Science Teachers. My students continue to ask for an experience that will set them apart from other students who apply for college and scholarships. I said to myself, “This is as different as you can get.” I jumped in with both feet and haven’t looked back.

EF Tour walked me through everything I needed to know to feel comfortable and knowledgeable about taking students outside of the country. Currently, if on your first tour you have eight or more travelers enrolled, you will have the opportunity to a free training trip. The training trip is key to understanding how the tour will run for you and your students. My training trip was to Rome, Italy, and was the first time I had traveled internationally. The trip was amazing.

Don’t put off starting your travel program with your students. contact EF Tours today.

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