Back to school – DONE!

Another school year has started. The first day has come and gone. Some of you are new or relatively new to teaching Health Science at the high school level, and some of you are like me, a veteran of many years.

The start of a school year for me is the start of a new year. It is New Year in August. A chance to set new goals, try new lessons, and do what I wanted to do the previous year. Before starting a new school,  I take the time to visualize what I want my school to be like. 

Close your eyes! go ahead. No one is looking. Close your eyes and see what your classroom will look like this year. Do not focus on the decorations but on you and the students. How do the students look? Are they happy and engaged in the lesson? Are you walking around the classroom with a smile, excited to help students?

Goal setting has been a lesson in the Qualities of a Healthcare Worker since, well, always. Let’s practice what you teach. We are or were health care professionals. From my About page, you know my background is in Sports Medicine. I have spent most of my life in athletics as a player, athletic trainer, mom, and wife. When I think of goal setting, I think of the start of football season. The coaching staff had a motto or word for the season. The word could be an acronym. T.E.A.M – together everyone achieves more. What is your word for this year?

If you have not set goals for this school year, take the time to use the goal planning sheet you can download at the end of this post. Below I have included the steps to guide you through creating a fantastic year.

Goals are an essential part of planning your success. Putting your dreams or goals in writing makes them real. Goals for the year are what you would like to accomplish in your classroom this year. The adjacent page is just for you and what goal you have for yourself – new hobby, travel, financial, or home life.

1. Focus word – decide on one word that all your planning will revolve around. For example, my focus work for the year is MOVEMENT. Fill the space and make the page colorful.
2. Clearly state why the goal is important to you – for real, for you.
3. List three action steps that will break your goal into smaller chunks. Be specific.
4. Imagine what could get in the way of you accomplishing your goal.
5. Develop ways to solve problems that might arise.
6. Document when you would like to complete your goal.
7. Review your goal each grading period and document when you have accomplished your goal.

Enjoy creating a vision for your school year. If you are interested in receiving an ebook on five fun ways to improve health science classroom management, enter your name and email and look for the download in your email.

Goal Setting for the school year.

Click to receive your copy of goal setting pages.

Yes, I want it!

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Hi, I'm Emma

I can help you transition from an industry setting to a classroom. Or maybe you just need to rejuvenate your teaching career. Sign up for an ebook on fun classroom management techniques you can use immediately to increase student outcomes and decrease your stress.

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