How to travel internationally for FREE!

International travel is an eye-opening learning experience you can share with your students. By sharing the opportunity to travel to other unique countries, you will have the chance to attend the trip at no expense.

Some things may be a little out of reach on a teacher’s salary, but International travel is not out of reach. Over the past five years, I’ve had the chance to travel to fantastic cities like Rome, London, and Edinburgh. This summer, my international travel took me to Amsterdam and Berlin. 

Sightseeing at the Berlin Wall.

I was sitting at my state’s health science teacher association’s summer conference about five years ago. I decided to attend a presentation about offering International travel to students. I listened to the presentation and was one of those people that jumped in with both feet. As I sat listening to the presentation, I thought, this is it. My students continually ask me for opportunities to job shadow or volunteer. They seek unique opportunities to stand out on college applications and resumes. Many of the students are seeking opportunities that have meaning. I thought international travel would be the most amazing opportunity I could offer my students.

Service trip of painting medical clinic in the Dominican Republic.

At the end of the presentation, I signed up as the group leader for my first trip out of the country. The trip was a custom tour designed around health science in London and Edinburgh. The first tour title was STEM: Health Science in Great Britain. EF Tours (Education First) is the tour company I signed up with and have been with for the past five years and more to come.

Now let’s talk about FREE!

There is no such thing as a free lunch. Being a teacher, the work required to travel at little to no cost is manageable. The tasks involve advertising, recruiting travelers, and conducting meetings. You determine the amount you spend. Here is a breakdown of my last trip – Global Leadership Summit: Amsterdam and Berlin.

Custom travel t-shirts – $40

Lunch on tour – $100

Airport food – $20

International outlet adapter – $20

International cell phone plan – $100

Tips (mandatory) – $100

Walking shoes – $100

Clothing and travel size personal items – $100

TOTAL $580 – Yes, an 11-day trip including airfare, hotel, transportation, museums, guided tours, and breakfast. The tour must have at least six travelers to cover travel costs for you as the tour leader. And for every additional six travelers on tour, your tour will earn a free travel spot for a chaperone.

Travel group sporting custom t-shirts.

EF Tours provides all the communication and direction you will need. EF Tours has been in business for over 50 years. Check out the company’s history on its website. There is so much more to tell you about this incredible opportunity, but I will have to save them for another post. 

Click here for more information on EF Tours and custom tours.


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